Lu Makes the Spring Sale Even Better πŸ’Έ


Hay, it's Lu this time. Stu told me about sending out yesterday's email and is annoyed that we didn't get extra treats yet. I think our people are too busy working and posting about hanging out with other bunnies to notice, so I logged on to take a look.



Immediately I saw that he forgot to include his pic at the start of his email. He already got a lot of "face time" on here but he is pretty handsome, so I "uploaded" it so everyone can see it after all.



Stu did get the "coupon code" activated but I don't think he was listening to our people well enough because I remember them saying it should have a 7 in it, like the number of days in a week. Or how many treats we think they should feed each of us every day.


I copied his code and made a new code spring17 that will apply a 17% discount on all gift items (for people) when you place an order on I think that will make our people happier and maybe they will even give us extra extra treats with all this hard work we are doing, especially me.


Speaking of doing a good job, Stu made sure to include info about the St. Johns Spring Fling this Saturday, which is supposedly the "reason" our people are having a sale on gifts for people.



If you read yesterday's email, you already know how we feel about selling all the gifts for people and getting more treats or toys.


Anyway, we had heard that another pair of bunny besties that were looking for home might be coming by on Saturday but then today we heard that they might have found a home.


We are happy for them but does that mean we'll have to leave the house on Saturday? It's great to meet new people and get extra pets but if our Saturday nap gets interrupted...let's just say there better be enough treats to make it worth our while.



Lately we've heard our people talking about how there are a lot of bunnies looking for homes with (mostly) well-behaving people like we have. Maybe we can log onto whatever website they have that info on and see if a different bunny could come instead of us...


I looked at this website and I don't think you have to live in Portland to nominate us for the WW Best of Portland Reader's Poll.


Since Stu and I aren't "allowed" to logon - because apparently we're not furless enough - we hope you will take a few minutes to nominate us by April 26, which is apparently 2 days away.


If we make it as finalists for the poll, our people will be so happy and definitely reward us for doing our part to help.

Have a fun pet photo to share or a comment or suggestion for us?


We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a reply; we read every one.

Storefront / Mailing Address:
​Alice in Bunderland
6635 N Baltimore Ave, Suite 247
Portland, OR 97203

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Alice in Bunderland

Pet supplies, grooming and gifts - for bunnies, other small herbivores, and their people. Shop online or at our brick and mortar in Portland, OR.

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