Stu Started the Spring Sale Early! πŸ₯•


Hay, it's Stu. We heard about Alice in Bunderland being "on pause" today and tomorrow and got worried about the big sale that's supposed to happen this Saturday.



A few days ago, we overheard our people say they might add some new treats and toys to the store if enough of the "people stuff" gets sold. Obviously we need to make sure this happens, so we figured out how to log onto the computer to investigate.


We couldn't find any info about new treats or toys - not sure where they could be hiding it - but we did find something called a "coupon code" which said it would "help with sales".


Guess what though; our people hadn't turn on the coupon code even though Saturday is just a few days away! We made sure to fix that by creating the code spring10 that will apply a 10% discount on all gift items (for people) when you place an order on


We know it's not Saturday yet, but we couldn't take any chances so we made the code active starting today. Starting the sale early seemed like safest way to make sure everything goes as planned.


We're pretty sure our people will be very grateful that we made sure the code was enabled, don't you? We definitely deserve treats for all this extra work. And since I wrote this newsletter,

obviously I should a get more treats than Lucy.



Another thing that might help us get more treats and toys would be if we get nominated as a finalist in the Willamette Week's Best of Portland Reader's Poll. We heard that nominations "close" after April 26th, so please log on and vote for us if you haven't already.


We tried to log on to see if we could place our votes, but apparently there is a rule that says only people can vote. Thump!

Hop over to St. Johns this Saturday to check out the Spring Fling and see what specials our people are running in the store. The Spring Fling is 11am-2pm but we're pretty sure the sale at Alice in Bunderland is running the whole time the shop is open.



We also heard there might be some bunnies visiting on Saturday that are looking for a cozy home like ours. Lu and I don't have room at our house for two more bunnies - even if they are really nice - so we're hoping lots of people will go visit them to see if they might be the right bunnies for them.


Have a fun pet photo to share or a comment or suggestion for us?


We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a reply; we read every one.

Storefront / Mailing Address:
​Alice in Bunderland
6635 N Baltimore Ave, Suite 247
Portland, OR 97203

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Alice in Bunderland

Pet supplies, grooming and gifts - for bunnies, other small herbivores, and their people. Shop online or at our brick and mortar in Portland, OR.

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